Dijital Bağımsız Denetim ve Danışmanlık A.Ş



Tax legislation consultancy is a service that assists businesses and individuals in understanding, managing, and fulfilling their tax obligations properly. Since tax legislation is a highly complex and constantly changing field, businesses and individuals often require professional consultancy services. This consultancy service helps in complying with tax obligations, taking advantage of tax benefits, and minimizing tax risks. Tax legislation consultancy is an important tool for ensuring that businesses and individuals act correctly and appropriately in tax matters from both legal and financial perspectives. This service makes the process of fulfilling tax obligations more efficient while also providing support in tax savings and risk management.


Tax planning is a strategic approach developed by businesses and individuals to minimize their tax obligations in accordance with the law, take advantage of tax benefits, and optimize their financial situations. Tax planning aims to minimize tax costs by utilizing various opportunities and loopholes provided by tax laws. This planning includes content such as Income Tax Planning, Corporate Tax Planning, VAT Planning, Transfer Pricing, Asset and Property Management Planning, Cross-Border Tax Planning, Utilization of Tax Deductions and Incentives, Family Business and Estate Planning. However, it is essential that these plans are carried out in compliance with legal and ethical boundaries. This planning process should be conducted under the guidance of a professional tax consultant because tax legislation is a complex and constantly changing field.


Accounting systems consulting is a service that helps businesses manage their financial data collection, processing, reporting, and analysis processes more effectively and efficiently. Accounting systems are used to ensure that businesses maintain their financial records accurately and reliably. Accounting systems consultants assist businesses in optimizing their accounting processes and better managing financial data. Accounting systems consulting enables businesses to manage their financial data more effectively and optimize their financial reporting processes. This helps businesses build a solid foundation for financial audits, tax compliance, and decision-making processes.


Company merger and acquisition tax services aim to help businesses manage their tax obligations and create the most favorable tax structure when conducting merger or acquisition transactions. Since such transactions are often complex and multifaceted, professional tax consulting services provide guidance to businesses on legal and financial matters. In the process of company mergers and acquisitions, activities such as Cost Analysis and Impact Assessment, Tax Documentation, Cost Restructuring, and Legal, Financial, and Tax Risk Assessment are carried out to ensure that the process is completed in the most efficient way for the company. Professional tax consulting services assist businesses in managing these complex transactions and optimizing their tax obligations. Obtaining professional tax consulting services when conducting such transactions is critical to taking the correct legal and financial steps.


Electronic ledger and invoice compliance services is a service that guides the processes and techniques required for businesses and individuals to keep books and issue invoices in electronic environment in accordance with tax legislation. Due to changes in tax legislation and technological developments, many countries have made it mandatory for businesses to keep their financial data in electronic form and edit their documents electronically. Electronic ledger and invoice compliance services ensure that these processes are properly and legally

Küçük İşletmeler için Opti*mal Vergi Planlaması Stratejileri

Küçük işletmeler için optimal vergi planlaması stratejileri, işletmenin yasalara uygun şekilde vergi yükünü en aza indirgemeyi amaçlayan önemli bir adımdır. Ancak, vergi yasaları karmaşık ve zaman içinde değişebilir, bu nedenle vergi planlaması konusunda uzman bir muhasebeci veya vergi danışmanından yardım almanız önerilir. İşte küçük işletmeler için bazı yaygın vergi planlaması stratejileri:İşletme Yapısının Seçimi: İşletme sahipleri, işletme yapısını seçerken vergi avantajlarından yararlanabilirler. İşletme türleri arasında tek kişilik işletmeler, ortaklıklar, sınırlı şirketler (Limited Liability Company - LLC) ve kurumsal yapılar bulunmaktadır. Hangi yapının işletmeniz için en uygun olduğunu belirlerken vergi avantajlarını dikkate almalısınız.Giderlerin İzlenmesi: İşletme giderlerini düzenli olarak izlemek ve belgelemek, vergi beyannamesi hazırlarken indirimlerden ve vergi avantajlarından tam olarak yararlanmanıza yardımcı olabilir. İşletme giderlerinin doğru bir şekilde sınıflandırılması ve kaydedilmesi önemlidir.Vergi İndirimleri ve Kredilerden Yararlanma: Vergi yasaları, belirli sektörlerde veya faaliyetlerde bulunan işletmelere özel indirimler ve vergi kredileri sunabilir. Bu kredilerden ve indirimlerden yararlanmak için gereken belgeleri ve başvuru süreçlerini bilmek önemlidir.Vergi Avantajlı Hesaplar: İşletme sahipleri bireysel emeklilik hesapları (Individual Retirement Accounts - IRA), sağlık tasarruf hesapları (Health Savings Accounts - HSA) gibi vergi avantajlı hesapları kullanarak vergi tasarrufu sağlayabilirler.Amortisman ve İndirimler: İşletme sahipleri, işletme mallarının (teçhizat, bina, araç vb.) amortisman giderlerinden yararlanabilir. Aynı şekilde, işletme giderlerinde indirim sağlayan masraflar da bulunabilir.